News Story

Can you tell us a bit about what you do here at Watts?

I am one of a team who look after our fantastic volunteers, opens up the Gallery and Limnerslease and ensures the visitor experience is the best it can be.

What is your favourite aspect of your role?

Getting to know our volunteer stewards, without whom we could not operate. Recruiting new people and seeing them flourish in the Gallery is very satisfying.

What are you excited about that’s coming up this year at Watts?

The changing Contemporary Gallery programme, especially when you get to meet the artists themselves on occasional Saturdays.

What is your favourite way to get creative in your free time?

Gardening: I love growing flowers for cutting and playing plant chess! (Moving things around to make new displays in my herbaceous beds.)

Tell us an unexpected fact about yourself?

I sang the Bucket of Water Song with Annie Lennox, on Tiswas back in 1979, in a pink leotard with wings!

A photograph of Celia stood in George Watts's studio looking at the camera smiling with short grey hair, wearing glasses