News Story

"Doing the art made me feel a little bit of freedom because this is all me - not Bronzefield. After the workshop I went back to my cell happy, with my mind buzzing"

- Art for All Community Learning Programme participant from HMP &YOI

This year's highlights:

• An exhibition of the artwork made by the women during Art for All Community Learning Programme workshops was displayed in the Bronzefield Community Café for the first time. This was a sell-out exhibition.

• Staff from Watts Gallery – Artists' Village lead three days of workshops in the Bronzefield Jailbirds art room. The women learnt about the work of G F and Mary Watts, as well as developed printmaking and basic model-making skills.

• Prints made in February 2020 by the residents were displayed at HMP YOI Bronzefield for the Pimlico Opera Opening evening. Artworks were sold and some form part of an extended exhibition in the Bronzefield Community Café.

Framed prints on display at Bronzefield community cafe

Exhibition in the Bronzefield Community Café February 2020

The Residents were very excited to do the project and we only had one Resident who chose not to take part. The Residents were very enthusiastic about their work and creating the drawings and the prints. When we showed the Residents the framed pieces that looked so impressive many gasped and sighed with pride. It was a really great thing to be able to have the Watts Artists come in and really helped raise moral, boost confidence and bring giggles, smiles and laughter to the workshop. The Watts Gallery Partnership is really a highlight for us.

- Jessica Cate, Art Tutor, HMP YOI Bronzefield