Ranga Bandara

Ranga Bandara, Vine of Heaven
Recycled copper (92cm x 61cm)

Watts Gallery Artists’ Village reminds Ranga Bandara of Florence, with the vast array of figurative sculpture and painting, the artworks and buildings demonstrate the quality and power of Victorian art and culture from this period. The copper sculpture, Vine of Heaven, is inspired by the embossed vine and flower designs on the Lithium Door at the entrance outside and is fabricated from repurposed copper sheeting and pipes. The work symbolizes the decorative aesthetics of Watts Gallery Artists’ Village and is suspended from the ceiling beams in the Historic Galleries, referencing growth and form within nature.

Instagram: @rangakumara14.bandara

Photo of the inside of Watts Gallery. Suspended from the ceiling is a copper sculpture of flowers and vines

Ranga Bandara, Vine of Heaven

Close up image of a copper sculpture of flowers and vines

Ranga Bandara, Vine of Heaven